What’s Up with Norwex?

norwex logoJB writes: “ . . . [O]ver the past few years many of my fellow Catholic moms have started selling Norwex, like Tupperware, but more of a house cleaning thing. At first I was intrigued, but the products seem to lean towards ‘chemicals are bad’ (um not when my kids have gotten sick and I need bleach to clean my toilet, but ok), and after visiting their website something just smelled of population control, or the like. Any ideas?”

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Apparitions Approved in Argentina

Our Lady of the Rosary of San Nicolas

Our Lady of the Rosary of San Nicolas

The Most Reverend Hector Cardelli, local bishop of San Nicolas, Argentina, announced on Sunday that the apparitions of Our Lady of the Rosary, which took place in his diocese from On October 13 1983 to February 11,1990 are “supernatural in character” and “worthy of belief.”

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Pope: Beware of “Civilized” Trafficking

17198326_sPope Francis delivered a powerful homily at morning Mass in which he denounced modern day “leeches” – those who take advantage of unemployment desperation to offer workers subpar working conditions without health insurance or pensions – calling this “civilized trafficking” and warning the faithful to develop a “correct relationship” with money.

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