A Miracle for Our Time


Have you heard of the Eucharistic Miracle approved in Poland? What does it have to do with our day in time?  What does it tell us about God’s mercy?  This is just what we discussed last week during a special Women of Grace Live radio program with our staff journalist, Sue Brinkmann, OCDS, to talk about a Eucharistic Miracle in Poland that was recently declared by the Catholic Church to be authentic. Read the rest…

Bathroom Wars Turning into a Legal Mess

bathroom_bill_0At the same time that 51 families filed suit against a Chicago-area school district for secretly opening its restrooms to members of the opposite sex, the Attorney General of Texas is demanding a review of Target’s bathroom bill and the federal government is now threatening to sue the state of North Carolina for their bill which they claim is a violation of federal civil rights laws.\

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Words of Encouragement For Those Who Grieve


Anthony and Simon

A friend recently shared that he had read this Catholic Exchange article about my husband that was written by Heidi Hess Saxton following my husband’s death in 2007. There is rarely a week that goes by that I am not asked to pray for a grieving mother or loved one who has lost someone dear to them. I am posting this article today for you to share with a friend or family member, parishioner or client, health care professional or co-worker, anyone you know about, who may need some words of encouragement. May it bless you and may it bless them. Thank you, Tony, for calling this article to my attention. It blessed me. You are a good man. Read the rest…