#RealWomenDontQuit Counters “A Day Without a Woman”

women sitting in circleToday’s “A Day Without A Woman” is supposed to be a day dedicated to “economic solidarity” for women but, much like the Women’s March, this day only includes women who are pro-union, pro-abortion, anti-Israel and those who can afford to skip a day of work. But the #RealWomenDontQuit campaign aims to give the rest of us a voice!

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Toni the Tampon Coloring Book: Gender Theory Gone Mad



Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

For those of you who think you heard it all when it comes to the prevailing gender confusion – oops! sorry, meant gender theory – the creation of a coloring book entitled The Adventures of Toni the Tampon has a few more “progressive” ideas on the subject to share with you.

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Supreme Court Vacates Transgender Case

200352787-001In what is being hailed as an important procedural victory for a school district that opposed pressure by the federal government to open school bathrooms to students based on gender identity rather than biology, the U.S. Supreme Court has decided not to rule on a high-profile case involving a transgender student in Virginia.

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