The Perilous World of Today’s Young Girl

Today’s young woman is facing a culture that is very different from the one their parents’ faced 25 years ago. With the rapid influx of secularism and relativism, just about anything goes and what was once considered an acceptable moral standard for all is now considered to be “up to the individual.” How do we prepare our girls to face the world as it exists today and still keep their faith and values?

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Mail-Order Abortion Comes to the USA

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

The same organization that is providing deadly chemical abortion drugs to women overseas is now offering their services in the US as a way of preparing for what some believe is the inevitable end of legal abortion in America.

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THE GRINCH (2018) Teaches the True Meaning of Christmas

GD writes: “I am so tired of being lured into the season’s so-called “hit” movies for kids, only to get there and find out that they are filled with New Agey ideas, violence, bad language, etc. Is The Grinch okay for kids to see or should we take a pass on it?”

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Church Unity

November 12
Feast of St. Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr  (1580 – 1623)
“[St. Josaphat] felt that God had inspired him to restore worldwide unity to the Church. Concerned mainly with seeing his own people reunited to the See of Peter, he sought every available argument that would foster and maintain Church unity.”
 -Pope Pius XII

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How to Turn Black Friday into Bless Friday®

If you’re tired of standing in line at the local mall on Black Friday and are yearning for more meaning in the Christmas season, why not start off your holidays by spending the day after Thanksgiving spreading the love of Christ in your community?

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The Ultimate Intolerance: Treating Children As Commodities

Recent headlines touting the science that made it possible for two women to carry the same child, and for a woman to “trade” her frozen female embryo for a male, aren’t proving advances in science as much as they’re proving how our respect for human life is continuing to erode.

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Survey: Americans Didn’t Vote for Radical Social Policies

Even though many voters opted to cede control of the U.S. House of Representatives to a party that champions liberal social policy, a survey of Tuesday’s voters found that most of them hold much more conservative views on key social issues than the people who are about to assume office.

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