Onerous Birth Control Mandate Officially Gone

At long-last, the onerous “birth control mandate” is now officially gone! The Department of Health and Human Service (HHS) issued a final rule yesterday that will provide conscience protections for Americans who have a religious or moral objection to health insurance that covers contraception methods.

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Students Want Real “Safe Space” – Call for Porn Filters on Campus

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

We hear a lot of talk about “safe spaces” on campuses where students can go to be sheltered from viewpoints they don’t like, but a group of male and female students at the University of Notre Dame are campaigning to create a real “safe space” by calling for a porn-free campus.

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The Authentic Femininity of Our New Blessed Clelia

BLESSED CLELIA MORLINO By RedeSagrado [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons

Even though she was the daughter of a freemason, endured financial disaster, public humiliation, and the scorn of some of her own sisters, our Church’s newest blessed, Clelia Merloni (1861-1930) never lost sight of who she was – a daughter of God.

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