University Sued for Forcing Prof to Speak Against His Beliefs

Shawnee State University in Portsmouth, Ohio, is being sued by a professor who was punished after he declined a male student’s demand to be referred to as a woman.

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It’s Time to Celebrate the Gift of Adoption!

November is a month set aside to recognize the love and support of adoptive parents and families who provide thousands of children with loving homes each year and to help all Americans realize that adoption is a powerful way to show women they are not alone in an unexpected pregnancy.

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What Does Screen Time Do to a Child’s Brain?

Recent news about how some of Silicon Valley’s most accomplished executives are severely limiting their children’s use of electronic devices has made many a skeptical parent decide to give this subject another look.

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City Wants Men Admitted to Women’s Shelters

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Authorities in the city of Anchorage, Alaska, are accusing a faith-based women’s shelter of violating gender identity discrimination laws by forbidding transgendered men from using the shelter which was established to aid homeless and abused women.

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Spiritual Goods

November 2
The Commemoration of All Souls
“We know our union with the brethren who have died in the grace and faith of Christ is not the least weakened or interrupted by their death. On the contrary it is strengthened by our conveying spiritual goods for their benefit.”
  – Second Vatican Council
Lumen Gentium, 49

Pakistanis Release Christian Woman on Death Row

Asia Bibi, the Pakistani woman imprisoned for nearly a decade after being accused of blaspheming the prophet Muhammad, and whose case became an international flashpoint for religious freedom in the Middle East, has been acquitted of all charges and released from jail.

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