US Bishops Mourn Those Slain in Synagogue

This weekend’s horrific massacre of eleven innocent people who were gathered in prayer in a synagogue in Pittsburgh to celebrate the birth of a child has sparked grief and outrage in the hearts of all believers.

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The Holy Family

October 27
“The family that recites the Rosary together reproduces something of the atmosphere of the household of Nazareth: its members place Jesus at the center; they share His joys and sorrows; they place their needs and their plans in His hands; they draw from Him the hope and strength to go on.”
-St. John Paul II

Painting of Jesus Miraculously Survives Church Fire

A lightning strike that ignited a 150-year-old Baptist Church in Massachusetts on Tuesday night destroyed almost the entire structure – except for a life-size painting of Jesus Christ that fire-fighters found miraculously intact.

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Abortion on the Ballot This November

Even though abortion is on the ballot in every election, voters in Oregon, Alabama, and West Virginia will be casting their votes on particular initiatives ranging from prohibiting the use of public funds for abortion to recognizing the rights of the unborn.

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Cardinal Sarah: Youth Don’t Want Watered-Down Teaching

“Perhaps we should keep more in mind that passage from the Gospel in which Jesus does not lower the demands of his call to the rich young man who wanted to follow him (cf. Mk 10:17-22).” Cardinal Robert Sarah to bishops at the Vatican Synod on Young People

In his intervention at the Vatican Synod on Young People, Cardinal Robert Sarah reminded bishops that the only “lack of clarity” on Church teaching regarding homosexuality and other moral issues is coming from pastors who water down the faith in an attempt to attract young people to the Church.

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