Saint Francis of Assisi: Far More than a Garden Statue Figure

Saint Francis of Assisi (1182 – 1226) – we know all about him. The gentle garden figure, bird perched on his shoulder, rabbits at his feet; the peace prayer hymn we sing at Mass; his Canticle of the Sun, praising God for all facets of Creation; the lover of poverty simply clad in a rough brown robe.

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Amidst Church Crisis: Month of Holy Rosary is The Answer

As we approach October, the Month dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary, the Church is engaged in one of the most urgent crises in its history, but the Word of God reassures us that “where sin increased, grace overflowed all the more.”

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Abortions Suspended at Filthy Planned Parenthood Clinic

An unannounced inspection of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Columbia, Missouri found rusty aspiration machines with tubes full of bloody bodily fluid and black mold, which has resulted in the cessation of abortion services.

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Our Queen We Greet

October 2
Queen of the Holy Rosary
Queen of the Holy Rosary!
Thee as our Queen we greet,
And lay our lowly, loving prayers
Like roses at thy feet.
Would that these blossoms of our souls
Were far more fair and sweet.
Queen of the Joyful Mysteries!
Glad news God’s envoy bore.
The Baptist’s mother thou didst tend;
Angels thy Babe adore,
Whom with two doves thou ransomest;
Lost, He is found once more.
Queen of the Dolorous Mysteries!
Christ ‘mid the olives bled,
Scourged at the pillar, crowned with thorns,
Beneath His Cross He sped
Up the steep hill; and there once more
Thine arms embraced Him–dead!
Queen of the Glorious Mysteries!
Christ from the tomb has flown,
Has mounted to the highest heaven
And sent His Spirit down
And soon He raises thee on high
To wear thy heavenly crown.
Queen of the Holy Rosary!
We, too, have joys and woes.
May they, like thine, to triumph lead!
May labor earn repose,
And may life’s sorrows and life’s joys
In heavenly glory close.
-Cyril Robert

Are Schools Souring on Yoga?

Introducing yoga into public schools isn’t happening without a fight – and Increasing complaints from parents and accusations that schools are endorsing religious practices is beginning to have an effect on programs across the country.

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