How St. Mary MacKillop Survived a Sex Abuse Scandal

St. Mary MacKillop (Wikicommons)

No one was more familiar with the internal chaos our Church is presently experiencing than the humble St. Mary MacKillop, an Australian nun who found herself on the wrong side of Church authorities after she reported a priest for abusing children.

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Parents Beware! “Momo” Suicide App is Appearing in Minecraft

The Momo suicide challenge ((St. John’s County Sheriff’s Office Facebook)

Law enforcement in numerous countries are warning parents about an icon representing a mysterious new “suicide game” known as Momo that has been added to the wildly popular Minecraft game.

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Time for Mary, Exterminator of All Heresies, to Clean House

This painting, entitled Madonna del Soccorso, painted by Francesco Melanzio in 1538-40, is said to be the original image of  Mary, Destroyer of All Heresies, originated. (Wikicommons)

With our Church in crisis, her ranks infected with the filth of unchecked homosexual predation, and too many of her shepherds turning a blind eye to the subsequent abuse, it’s time to call upon the Woman whose destiny it is to crush the head of the ancient serpent who has infiltrated her sacred halls. If there was ever a time to call upon Our Lady under the little-known title of Destroyer of All Heresies, it’s now!

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The Great Rush

September 5
“Everybody today seems to be in such a terrible rush, anxious for greater developments and greater riches and so on, so that children have very little time for their parents. Parents have very little time for each other, and in the home begins the disruption of peace of the world.”
-St. Teresa of Calcutta