The Traumatic Impact of Pornography Use on Wives

A leading authority on sexual addition has written a hard-hitting article about the devastating impact a man’s use of pornography can have on his wife and how it can be the most emotionally painful thing a woman ever experiences.

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Clean Heart

August 9

“Create a clean heart in me, O God.”

Imagine for a moment that your heart is like a chalkboard filled with writing. It’s covered in words and smudges. What do the words say? Now, erase those words; spray a cleaner on it and wipe away the smudge. And all of a sudden, it’s spotless. Oh, how I wish I could purify my heart that easily! But, I can’t. I cannot erase painful memories and the fears of letting others see the real me; I can’t wipe clean the scars that have toughened over the years; and I can’t break the chains that sometimes suffocate the life out of me.

But, God can. He can renew my heart in an instant (although we don’t normally see purification happen that fast in our human idea of time.). God has to work on us— He strips away layers like an onion, and every layer beneath has its own work to be done.

I remember recently when my spiritual director told me that God had to do some work on me, and that it’s going to hurt. But He always uses the most gentle means possible. And it’s true. The last few months are a testament to His gentleness and charity. He has really purified my heart in ways I couldn’t imagine, although He has asked some things of me that really hurt. Surrendering can be really painful. But, I know it’s necessary. I know that heart He holds so dearly in His hands has needed some work; and I know when He’s done with this big phase of operation, it’ll be ready to experience all life and love have to offer it. And I can’t wait for that day.

Is it time for you to let God do some pruning? Tell Him you’re scared, but know that He won’t do anything unnecessary, and He will give you what you need to endure it.

FDA Buying “Fresh” Fetal Tissue from Aborted Americans

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is now officially involved in the buying of human body parts from aborted fetuses after entering into a new contract to acquire “human fetal tissue” for the purpose of transplanting it into mice to give them a functional “human immune system.”

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August 9

“Sin makes men accomplices of one another and causes concupiscence, violence, and injustice to reign among them.  Sins give rise to social situations and institutions that are contrary to the divine goodness.  ‘Structures of sin’ are the expression and effect of personal sins.  They lead their victims to do evil in their turn.  In an analogous sense, they constitute a ‘social sin’.”
-Catechism of the Catholic Church 1869

Argentina Votes to Reject Abortion

Argentinian children playing music on the streets of Buenos Aires

The cause for the protection of human life scored a huge win in the homeland of Pope Francis yesterday when the Argentinian senate voted to reject a bill that would have legalized elective abortion.

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Everlasting Love

August 8

“With age-old love I have loved you.”

I don’t know about you, but I love romance. Poems, letters, sweet messages— I’m a romantic at heart. I love love; I always have, and I can guess I always will. When everyone else complains about Valentine’s Day, I swoon over it…hearts everywhere! Indeed, Song of Songs is by far my favorite book.

When I read my readings for the day, this line went straight through my heart like an arrow. The love I desire so strongly in life is all mine, and it’s all yours; He has loved each of us from the beginning of time. He loved us into existence, and His love never ceases to exist. And it won’t. Ever.

Our love story is my favorite. He has unconditionally chased my heart for as long as I have been a thought in His plan; and giving Him my heart was the best decision of my life. And in doing so, I was free to live fully, knowing He would keep it safe and only give it away when the right person asked.

So go ahead- give Him your heart. Let Him mend the scratches, heal the wounds, and protect it. Watch your heart in His perfect hands turn into something so beautiful. And know that He, the owner of it, will keep an eye on it til the end of time. He will never stop chasing you. So stop running. And fall into His wide open arms.