Teen Vogue Thinks Abortion Ought to Be Funny

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

If there was ever a perfect example of why I decided to sit down and write Young Women of Grace for our young women, it’s an op-ed appearing in a recent issue of Teen Vogue that glorifies a group of potty-mouthed feminists whose life work is to make the destruction of innocent unborn human life into a big joke.

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Lord, Save Me

August 7

“Jesus made the disciples get into a boat.”

Notice in the reading from the Gospel of Matthew today the first line: “Jesus made the disciples get into a boat.” MADE. He made them get into a boat. He didn’t “ask” them to; He didn’t “suggest” it or “highly recommend” it. He made them. And what happens next? He goes to pray, then He walks on water, and then commands Peter to get out of the boat, in a storm, and walk to Him. And Peter starts to sink. God knew that Peter needed to be tested in faith. And so do all of us. God causes, or allows, things to happen in our lives that test our faith. These moments are HUGE opportunities for us to stay focused on Him and to show how faithful we are; yet, when they happen, we also start to sink and start screaming, “Lord, save me!” Currently, God is giving every single one of us an opportunity to show Him whether we are faithful, or are not faithful.

The question is… will you look Him in the face, keep walking towards Him, and grab His hand? Or will you close your eyes in fear and sink?

United in Prayer: Women of Grace® and the Benedicta Leadership Institute for Women® Enter New Partnership with The Foundation of Prayer for Priests

The Foundation of Prayer for Priests and Women of Grace® and the Benedicta Leadership Institute for Women® are announcing a new partnership which will unite these apostolates in a coordinated movement of spiritual formation, enrollment, and education to deepen the understanding of spiritual motherhood of souls, especially of priests.

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Credible Threats Made Against Pro-Life Lawmakers

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Authorities have found “very concerning” items in the home of a man arrested for threatening the lives of pro-life lawmakers and their families.

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Burger King Hit With Boycott for Supporting Bigotry

Americans have had enough of so-called comedians who think it’s funny to use crudity to bash people of faith and those they don’t agree with – which is why Burger King is now under fire for continuing to advertise on the anti-Catholic Samantha Bee’s Full Frontal.

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