Be Renewed

August 5

“That you should put away the old self of your former way of life, corrupted through deceitful desires…”

I love the idea of each of us having this “best version” of ourselves. In fact, in everything, there is always a “best” or an “ideal”. The problem, though, exists in thinking that anything beneath our “best” or “ideal” will ever bring us as much joy. Think about it- our best… our so-called ideal life is really the life God intends for us; it’s this daily effort to live according to His call and His will. Anything else (meaning, anything less than what He wants from us) is simply not ultimately what He longs for us to have or to be. So in reality, our best version is simply striving to be all He calls us to be. Our best is His will. And it’s never too hard because He doesn’t call us to do things we cannot attain. So, as a result, we each are called to put away the parts of us that aren’t of Him. That old self, the one that isn’t our ideal version, the corrupted nature and the sinful desires, needs to be transformed into the self He has created from the beginning- our best.

Tonight, ask Him to strip away all the corrupt parts. What lies beneath is so beautiful…because, well, it’s your best.

They Went and Told Jesus

August 4

“They went and told Jesus.”

Imagine the scene when His disciples came to tell Him what happened with John, someone so dear to Jesus. Can you feel the grief, the intense sadness that our Lord experiences in that moment? What if it was someone you knew and loved… a good friend or your family member? How would you feel if someone came to tell you such horrible news?

I can imagine Jesus really wept; I can picture His beautiful heart and how broken it must have been at such tragedy. Are you ever tempted to think that Jesus didn’t experience human emotion like we do? That because He was fully divine, He was somehow spared from the pain of sadness? If so, I want to remind you— He was fully human.

If you’ve ever seen a picture or video scene from the Garden of Gethsemane, when our Lord’s agony in the garden took place, you’ll remember the horrific intensity of what He endured before His crucifixion… while the disciples slept. Like us, He was tempted, he suffered, and he hurt. Yet, unlike us, He constantly said “Thy will be done.”

Tonight, say a prayer for your family and friends and thank our Lord for their gift of life. And remember how precious they are.

Heralds of the Gospel

August 4

“We need heralds of the Gospel who are experts in humanity, who know the depths of the heart of many today, who share in his hopes and joys, his worries and his sadness, and at the same time are contemplatives, in love with God.  For this, new saints are needed.  The great evangelizers…have been saints.  We must implore God to increase the spirit of holiness in the Church and to send us new saints to evangelize today’s world.”
-St. John Paul II

Their Lack of Faith

August 3

“A prophet is not without honor except in his native place and in his own house. And he did not work many mighty deeds there because of their lack of faith.”

Do you ever feel like people listen so well to you and take your advice and guidance… except those closest to you? And while I know Jesus didn’t struggle with people remembering His past (the way they do with ours… because of our sins and past transgressions), He still was questioned and second guessed by those He knew well. Jesus was questioned by others, y’all. Jesus of all people!

The key for us in dealing with those closest to us is patience, humility, and yep… charity. It can be so frustrating watching those we love struggle with sin and making bad choices; yet, God calls us to love them through it all and to remain a beacon of light and hope as His instrument. In being patient, humble and charitable, we are drawn deeper into our relationship with Him, and thus, He guides us in our interactions.

Remember, Jesus struggled with this, and so will we. Ask Him to give you the strength and courage to face those you love with a virtuous and kind heart, and watch Him transform them (and you) in His time!

Man Convicted for Spiking Pregnant Girlfriend’s Smoothie

A man who was been on the run for nearly a decade after he spiked his girlfriend’s smoothie in order to cause an abortion has finally been convicted of attempted first-degree intentional homicide for which he faces up to 60 years in prison.

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The Good Samaritan

August 3

“A Good Samaritan is one who brings help in suffering, whatever its nature may be…He puts his whole heart into it, nor does he spare material means.  We can say that he gives himself, his very “I,” opening this “I” to the other person.  Here we touch upon one of the key points of all Christian anthropology.  Man cannot “fully find himself except through a sincere gift of himself”.  A Good Samaritan is the person capable of exactly such a gift of self.”
-St. John Paul II

Italian Teen to be Canonized During Youth Synod

                                                                                                                        (Wikipedia/Public Domain)

Pope Francis has announced that he will canonize 19-year-old Blessed Nunzio Sulprizio, an Italian teen who lived a life filled with tragic losses and painful health problems, all of which he bore out of love for Jesus Christ.

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He Tried Again

August 2

“I went down to the potter’s house and there he was, working at the wheel.
Whenever the object of clay which he was making turned out badly in his hand, he tried again, making of the clay another object of whatever sort he pleased. Then the word of the Lord came to me: ‘Can I not do to you, house of Israel, as this potter has done?’”

I almost want to just stop here and let this reading from Jeremiah speak for itself. But, I do want to share a little.

There is nothing that our Lord cannot repair— hearts, bodies, souls, minds… every single bit of us belongs to Him; as the ultimate physician, He can heal anything.

Truth: He is always searching and waiting for us; He meets us EXACTLY where we are. He molds us, shapes us, heals us, fixes us, and completes us. He takes our brokenness and repairs it. He takes our wounds and cleans them. He takes our missing pieces and puts them back together again. He is the potter, we are the clay.

Never think you are too far gone or too wretched. He is always waiting to bring you home and lead you into eternal Happiness and wholeness.

Sunship Earth and New Age Environmental Programs for Children

MJ asks: “What can you tell me about Sunship Earth, a program for middle school pupils? How does it extol New Age concepts? The program has a funeral for a leaf and one to become a squirrel that loses its habitat. What New Age objective is fulfilled in this type of activity?”

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