Nicaraguan Bishops To Say Prayers of Exorcism to Combat Violence

In an effort to counter what the Nicaraguan bishops are calling an “irrational and disproportionate” level of violence against Catholics in that country, they are planning to say the prayer of exorcism to St. Michael the Archangel to combat the violence which is “spiritually rooted in evil.”

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The Childlike

July 18

“For although you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned you have revealed them to the childlike.”

I adore this image of the baby resting so peacefully. It’s easy to look at this picture and imagine that this sweet infant is completely dependent on another individual for everything in this world. How much joy it brings me to see such a face at ease.

You know, this is what our Father intends for us— to rest comfortably in His care and protection every moment of our lives. He wants us to entrust ourselves completely to Him, just as this precious baby is entrusted to the care of his or her parents.

What would it look like for us to hand over everything that holds us back from totally relying on Him to provide? What would He ask you to give Him in order to show how much you trust Him? (Hint: look at what or who you put ahead of Him).

Missionaries of Charity Speak Out on Child Trafficking Charges

After the sale of a newborn by an employee of the nuns of Mother Teresa in Ranchi, India sparked an inquiry into all of the homes where the Missionaries of Charity care for children, Superior General Sister Mary Prema set the record straight in a statement in which she said the case is riddled with myths, distortions, fake news and baseless innuendo.

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Firm Faith

July 17

“Take care you remain tranquil and do not fear; let not your courage fail…”

Tranquility, courage, faith. We are given three main orders through the reading from Isaiah today: to remain tranquil, to keep courage, and to have a firm faith.

Tranquility: to be calm
Courage: to be fearless
Faith: to have confidence in something

In our day to day lives, we are called to remain calm, fearless, and to have confidence in our Father. But spiritual warfare is real, and as a result, we don’t always respond like we should.

Pick one of those words: tranquil, courage, or faith, and pray for an increase of that specific gift in your life this week. Ask our Lord what keeps you from that gift, and ask Him to give you the grace to overcome anything that gets in your way of being who He is calling you to be this week!

Accurate Polls Find that Majority of Americans Oppose Roe v Wade

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Ever since the nomination of pro-life Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court, the media has been fear-mongering about how another conservative justice on the bench will lead to the overturning of Roe v. Wade, a case they claim the majority of Americans support – but is this really true?

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