Facebook’s Independence Day Faux Pas

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Just as the United States was about to celebrate Independence Day, Facebook once again embarrassed itself with its onerous censorship policies by flagging the Declaration of Independence as “hate speech.”

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Witness to Truth

July 5

“Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses.”

-Blessed Pope Paul VI

The Gospel reading today from Matthew shows what wonders unfold when Jesus heals the paralytic. “When the crowds saw this they were struck with awe and glorified God.” What was Jesus doing that amazed the crowd so much? Exactly what He was sent to do- heal.

What about the examples we set, the impressions we leave? When we do what we are called to do, what kind of wonders can unfold in our lives and the lives of others?

In a culture that has become so secular, we are called to be counter-cultural: to stand up for those who cannot defend themselves, to be a light in the darkness, to listen and offer compassion and care, to lead by example. To sum it up, we are called to be a living witness and testimony to His love and goodness.

What kind of example are you setting for those around you? Are you leaving them filled with wonder and awe at the magnitude of God? Or do you shy away from living Truth?

Lord, help me to never be afraid to stand up for what’s right and to adhere to Your call.


Catholic Youth Pen Open Letter in Support of Humanae Vitae

As we near the 50th Anniversary of the promulgation of Humanae Vitae, the Church’s definitive statement on artificial birth control, nearly 200 Catholic youth have published an open letter of support for the document, calling it “beautiful and prophetic.”

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July 4

“Freedom exists for the sake of love.”

-St. John Paul the Great

Today in the first reading from Amos, we are told to “seek good and not evil.” While reading, I started to think about the correlation between freedom and love, and how that relates to our relationship with the Father.

Out of His love, He created us and because He loved us so much, He gave us total freedom: to live and to choose.

Why is it important that we “seek good and not evil”? Because it’s our way of loving Him back. We choose what’s holy and good, those things that are morally right and true, because we love Him. And in turn we realize it’s ultimately in our best interest.

Think of marriage: one man and one woman choose each other to grow in holiness through the sacramental unity of matrimony. If one was not free to choose the other, it wouldn’t be love, it would be control. But out of love for the other, and ultimately, love for God, the two give each other the freedom to choose… to come together as husband and wife.

By having total freedom (ie, free will), God gives us the greatest gift imaginable- the opportunity to “seek good” and choose Him; thus, our freedom is enveloped in love and the two are inseparable.

Lord, guide me on this journey to You; to love You ever more deeply. Show me Your love tonight, God, in the most beautiful way, and grace me with the courage to shine my light in the darkness of this world.
