The Household of God

July 3

Each of us is a child of God, a unique individual created for the specific purpose of knowing, loving and serving God. We were created out of love and for love.

Imagine you are in a subway train, or in a crowded concert- look around you. The man to your left, the child to your right… each were created by the same God as you. Our goal in this life is simple- to journey towards Heaven. We do this by simply loving Him and loving them.

Often, we forget that our family, our friends, our coworkers, our spouse, and everyone that crosses our path are each our brothers and sisters. We are in this effort together, whether we (or they) recognize it or not.

Kindness, compassion, empathy, gratitude, and time each display love for another. We each long for Home, and our duty is to journey together on that path.

Lord, help me to truly see my brothers and sisters in those individuals who cross my path. Keep me patient and humble when I grow weary, and grace me with mercy to pass on.


Pope on the Precious Blood & “A Revolution of Tenderness”

As the universal Church enters into the month of July, a time when Christians pay special homage to the Precious Blood of Jesus, Pope Francis explained that God chose the sign of blood “because no other sign is so eloquent to express the supreme love of life given for others.”

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Is Dumbed Down Christianity To Blame for Success of New Age?

A hard-hitting commentary recently published in The Catholic Gentleman asks some serious questions about how the New Age has become so fascinating, particularly to millennials, and if dumbed-down Christianity may be at least part of the blame.

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“Day of Silence” Activities Get School District in Legal Trouble

The East Penn School District has gotten itself into trouble after parents complained that their children were shown videos promoting homosexuality and gender dysphoria on the “Day of Silence” without their permission.

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Times of Adversity

July 1

“Consider it all joy, my brothers, when you encounter various trials, for you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.  And let perseverance be perfect, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”
-James 1:2-4