Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
A petition campaign is underway to stop the launch of a new Netflix animated series, Super Drags, geared toward youth and children, that features homosexual “superheroes” who dress like the opposite gender.
When summer rolls around, I am reminded of a weekend a number of years ago, when I had difficulty reaching my then seven-year-old daughter on the phone at her father’s apartment. It seemed they had both disappeared.
June 28
The following witness was written by Janet C. Munday, BSN, RN, who serves as the Mid-Atlantic Regional Director of the National Association of Catholic Nurses, U.S.A. Janet practiced yoga for 19 years before realizing that she could no longer do so. In poignant detail, she describes her journey from yoga-as-exercise to the realization that this practice is counterproductive for those seeking the light of Christ.
June 27
Our Lady of Fatima School in Lafayette, Louisiana, just graduated the largest Young Women of Grace class yet – 50 girls!
Brenda Dooley, our indefatigable Regional Coordinator in Louisiana, spearheaded the program for the parish. She served under the guidance and direction of Father Michael Russo, pastor, and Stephanie Supple, the parish administrator. Four women from the school, all of whom facilitated Women of Grace studies in the past at the parish, generously volunteered to facilitate the girl’s study. It was coordinated throughout the 2017-2018 school year and culminated with a graduation event and reception on May 18, 2018. Read the rest…