Contraceptive Side Effects Continue to Drive Women Away

According to a new series documenting the impact of the pill on women’s mental health, coupled with the recent release of a study in which half of the women polled said they were having “serious trouble” with their contraceptive, the popularity of artificial contraception is continuing to diminish among of women.

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Follow Me

November 30
 Feast of St. Andrew, Apostle
“As the Lord was walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw Peter and Andrew casting their nets into the sea. And he said to them, ‘Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.’  Immediately they left their nets and followed him.”
-Matthew 4:18, 19-20

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The Mystery of the “Macbeth” Curse

                                 MacBeth and the Witches (Wikicommons)

DD asks: “Is there any truth to the belief that the play, Macbeth, was once cursed by a coven of witches, which is why there are so many accidents during productions of the play?”

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Pro-Life Videographer Takes Planned Parenthood to Supreme Court

David Daleiden of The Center for Medical Progress, the pro-life videographer who caught members of the abortion industry in the act of trafficking baby parts from aborted fetuses, has petitioned the Supreme Court to throw out a Planned Parenthood lawsuit aimed at retaliating against him and keeping his evidence out of the public eye.

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Study Suggests Suicidal Teens Influenced by “13 Reasons Why”

Researchers at the University of Michigan have found that half of suicidal teens in a hospital sample said the controversial Netflix hit show, 13 Reasons Why contributed to their suicidal symptoms.

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New Gene-Editing Experiment Sparks Ethics Uproar

The global scientific community is reeling after a Chinese scientist announced that he used a powerful new gene-editing technique on twin girls to protect them from the HIV their father is carrying – an experiment that many believe was unauthorized and unethical.

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Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal: Love Unending, Favors without Limit

Interior of the Chapel of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, Rue du Bac, Paris (Wikicommons)

November 27th each year commemorates the manifestation of Our Lady’s Miraculous Medal. This sacramental, known and beloved worldwide, arose from the humblest of origins, in keeping with those of the Virgin whose image it bears.

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