Judge Delivers Lethal Blow to Birth Control Mandate

In what is being called a smashing victory for religious freedom, U.S. District Court Judge David Russell has issued a ruling in which he declared the Obama Administration’s controversial “birth control mandate” to be a violation of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and has stopped all enforcement of the mandate against dozens of Catholic dioceses and institutions.

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Easter Day 2018

April 1
Most glorious Lord of life that on this day
Didst make Thy triumph over death and sin,
And having harrowed hell didst bring away
Captivity thence captive us to win;
This joyous day, dear Lord, with joy begin
And grant that we, for whom Thou didst die
Being with Thy dear blood clean washed from sin,
May live forever in felicity.
And that Thy love we weighing worthily,
May likewise love Thee for the same again;
And for Thy sake that all like dear didst buy,
With love may one another entertain.
So let us love, dear love, like as we ought,
Love is the lesson which the Lord us taught.
–“Easter”, Edmund Spenser (1553-1598)

Lenten Journey Day 46

March 31
Adorn Your Soul with Mary’s Virtues, Day 2

Closing Prayer to Our Lady

O Mary, our Mother, with thine arms outstretched – those tender arms in which the eternal God delighted to dwell when He became our blood Brother – plead our cause. With thine eyes of mercy, beseech of Him for us, thy children, the grace that in our exile we may resemble thee, His most devoted follower, and so at last, in union with thee, may glorify Him forever!

Obedience and Surrender

“All that is done by obedience is meritorious . . . It is obedience, which, by the light of Faith, puts self-will to death, and causes the obedient man to despise his own will and throw himself into the arms of his superior . . . Placed in the bark of obedience, he passes happily through the stormy sea of this life, in peace of soul and tranquility of heart. Obedience and faith disperse darkness; he is strong because he has no longer any weakness or fears, for self-will, which is the cause of inordinate fear and weakness, has been destroyed.”

-Saint Catherine of Siena

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Lenten Journey Day 45

March 30

Adorn Your Soul with Mary’s Virtues, Day 1

“…since the measure of our grace will always be inferior to [Mary’s}, we must adorn our souls with virtue through correspondence with the degree of grace that God bestows on us. Thus will we walk in her footsteps and, like her, grow in humility, in purity, and in love of God.”

Lenten Journey Day 43

March 28
Let the Holy Spirit Pray Within You

“Our prayer, like Mary’s and the Apostle’s, must come from our hearts under the absolute dominion of the Holy Spirit. The love of God above all things, detachment from the world, and an abiding sense of the supernatural, ore recollection – these are the prerequisites of prayer.”

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