Fury Erupts Over Planned Parenthood Booth at School Fair

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

A firestorm has erupted in Monrovia, California over the presence of Planned Parenthood at a middle-school fair promoting mental health with many parents saying the nation’s largest abortion provider doesn’t belong on campus.

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“The Devil and Father Amorth” Trailer Released

A film documenting an authentic exorcism by the late exorcist Father Gabriele Amorth will be released in New York and Los Angeles on April 20. If it’s anything like the newly released trailer, this is bound to be one of the most gripping 68 minutes of your life.
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Riveting Christian Film “I Can Only Imagine” is Box-Office Gold

An inspiring new movie, based on a Christian musician’s relationship with an abusive father, took Hollywood by surprise last weekend when its box office debut scored $17 million, bested only by big name films Black Panther and Tomb Raider.

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Justices Appear Skeptical of CA Pregnancy Center Law

Even one of the most liberal justices on the Supreme Court appeared very unimpressed with California’s law forcing crisis pregnancy centers to provide information on abortion – a reaction that many say could spell doom for the ill-fated law.

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Catholic OB-GYN on Abortion: Don’t Judge Your Neighbor

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Rebecca Luckett, an Catholic OB/GYN currently working in Botswana, published a shocking op-ed in USA Today in which she justifies her decision to abort a child and says her pro-life Catholic upbringing taught her not to judge her neighbor “until you walk two moons in his moccasins.”

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