When Eastern Meditation Goes Wrong

Although Eastern meditation practices are being sold wholesale to the public as a panacea for everything from stress to digestive issues, experts say there can be very real – and very serious – consequences to these mind-control techniques.

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The Duty of the Moment

November 27
“The duty of the moment is what you should be doing at any given time, in whatever place God has put you. Your doing the duty of the moment, your living the nitty gritty, daily routine of ordinary life, can uncover the face of Christ in the marketplace…where you work or play or eat…or wherever.”
– Catherine Dougherty

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Parish Mourns Heroic Woman Slain in Catholic Supply Store

Jamie Schmidt (courtesy of the family’s GoFundMe page)

A 53-year-old mother of three, who flatly refused to be sexually assaulted by an armed assailant in a Catholic Supply store near St. Louis, Missouri, is being mourned by those who knew her and celebrated for the heroism she showed in the face of death.

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Shop Your Values This Christmas

As the busiest shopping season of the year kicks off, many discerning Christians are opting to give their cash to upright retailers rather than places like Amazon, Walmart, and Target, who donate heavily to abortion and the LGBTQ agenda.

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To Be Like God

November 23
Feast of St. Columban, Abbot (D. 615)

“If man applies the virtues planted in his soul to the right purpose, he will be like God. The image we depict must not be that of one who is unlike God; for one who is harsh and irascible and proud would display the image of a despot. Let us not imprint on ourselves the image of a despot, but let Christ paint his image in us.”

-St. Columban

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With Grateful Hearts: The Prayer of Thanksgiving

One of the most important spiritual maxims we’ll ever learn is that nothing happens in this world without the order of God, and that He turns all things to good if we submit to His will. Although we usually apply this to rough times, Thanksgiving reminds us that there’s an important “flip-side” to this adage – all the good times that He has willed for us in the past year.

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