“The View” Is Not Getting Away With It This Time!

Christians around the country are refusing to let the hosts of The View get away with vile remarks made on a February 13 episode about Christians. They have not only deluged the network with complaints but have now launched an aggressive campaign against the show’s advertisers as well.

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International Women’s Day: We Need More than Just “Gender Parity”

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Today is International Women’s Day, a day aimed at celebrating mostly “progressive” ideas about the nature and worth of women, but that doesn’t mean this day has to be spent focusing on “gender parity.” Why not spend it on much deeper issues such as how we can change the sexual norms that are so disrespectful and disadvantageous to women?

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Order of Exorcists Not Vatican Approved

BJ asks: “Have you ever heard of the Order of Exorcists? They have a website where they allow people to submit a form to request an investigation and possible exorcism. They say they’re not affiliated with the Catholic Church but clergy and bishops are working with them because of the demand for exorcisms? Is this possible?”

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Bishops Ask Governor to Veto Coercive New Abortion Law

Dark skies over state capitol buildings in Olympia, WA

Catholic bishops in the state of Washington are asking Governor Jay Inslee to veto a new bill that will mandate abortion coverage in all health care plans offered in the state that include maternity care and makes no exception for religious institutions.
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Lenten Journey Day 22

March 7

Believe that Nothing is Impossible with God

“If God should choose a soul in which to accomplish an extraordinary work, He is in no way bound to enlighten the soul so that it may understand the means whereby the work will be accomplished. But He does condescend to ask that soul’s generous correspondence with Him…”