–St. Irenaeus
Why was Mary’s obedience so pivotal in salvation history?
–St. Irenaeus
Why was Mary’s obedience so pivotal in salvation history?
O Mary! We crown thee with blossoms today,
Queen of the Angels, Queen of the May!
These lyrics are a familiar component of the annual May Crowning, the Marian devotion which takes place in many parishes around the time when we celebrate Mother’s Day. This rite is one traditional aspect of the dedication of the month of May to Mary, the Mother of God, and also our Mother.
Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
The Planned Parenthood clinic where Pennsylvania state Rep. Brian Sims claimed to be defending women by harassing pro-life protestors has a history of state health and safety violations.
AL writes: “I am wondering what information you have on rebirthing and sozo prayer.”
How could a lawmaker who calls himself a “champion of women” do so after filming himself harassing women who were peacefully praying outside of a Philadelphia Planned Parenthood clinic? So asked Philadelphia’s Archbishop Charles J. Chaput in a hard-hitting statement wherein he called the outrageous conduct of Rep. Brian Sims (D) “unbecoming of an elected official.”