Devotion to Mary

July 5
“True, a certain form of devotion to Mary is for children. But there is another,
at least every bit as real, which is for adults, and in particular for militants.”
-Emil Neubert, SM, STD
Today’s Reflection:
In what, do you think this “adult,” “militant” devotion to Mary consists? Are you open to its discovery? Or does this thought intimidate you? Why?


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Christ, your leader

July 4
“If Christ is your Leader and your Model, you ought to think as He does.”
-Emil Neubert, SM, STD
Today’s Reflection:
Do you have Christ-like thoughts when it comes to poverty? To suffering? To His command to take up your cross and follow Him? Ponder these questions and take them into your next time of examination or confession.


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Be courageous

July 3
“Your task may appear desperately difficult. Your enemies are more numerous than you; they have at their command inexhaustible resources; they are organized with a cleverness that one is almost tempted to call satanic.”
-Emil Neubert, SM, STD
Today’s Reflection:
When you think of those who are opposed to the Church and her teaching today, how does this quote strike you? What may Our Lord be calling YOU to do? Be courageous.


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Acts of devotion

July 2 
“Devotion to Mary is much like the love of a child for its mother, since after all, every devotion to Mary is love for our heavenly mother.”
-Emil Neubert, SM, STD
Today’s Reflection:
Do you think of Marian devotion as an act of love for your heavenly mother? As you pray your rosary, Hail Mary or put on your scapular today, think of how much Our Blessed Mother loves you and share with her
your love and devotion.


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Immaculate Heart!

In a letter to then Pope John Paul II dated May 12, 1982, Sister Lucia shared the following insight about the Third Secret of Fatima:

“The third part of the secret refers to Our Lady’s words: ‘If not [Russia] will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred; the Holy Father will have much to suffer; various nations will be annihilated’ (13-VII-1917).

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I will put enmity between you and the woman

“I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers. They will strike at your head, while you strike at their heel.”
-Genesis 3:15
Today’s Reflection:
Who was the woman who had enmity with the ancient serpent? What does this mean to you?


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Be of good cheer

 June 30

“Be of good cheer, only work, only strive cheerfully; for nothing is lost. Every prayer of yours, every psalm you sing is recorded. Every alms, every fast is recorded.”

-St. Cyril of Jerusalem


Today’s Reflection:

Praise be to God! He has heard every prayer I have prayed, every song I have sung, every alm I have given, every fast I have observed! This gladdens my heart and brings good cheer to all that I do!

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