The canonized women who are mothers add to our altars a special kind of incense – a two-fold fragrance of motherhood, both natural and spiritual. The very definition of their sainthood reveals that the life of the soul was sacrosanct to them and that while they nurtured the physical life of their children, it was eternal life which they desired to impart above all. Read the rest…
Monthly Archives: February 2020
God said
Endure the fire
You are Peter
February 22
Chair of St. Peter
“And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it.”
-Matthew 16:18
For Reflection:
How have I seen the truth of this statement in light of the history of the Church? How does this speak to the fact that the Catholic Church is the
Church Jesus founded?
Saint Jacinta Marto-100th Anniversary Celebration
Look forward to the joy
Time for Lent? There’s an App for That!
You will not be overcome
Centering Prayer vs. Authentic Christian Contemplation
While searching for a parish for her son who is in the military, MB was happy to find a parish near his military base. However, while browsing through the parish’s most recent bulletin, she noticed a recommendation by the pastor about a presentation on centering prayer given by a Trappist monk named Fr. William Menninger. MB asks: “Does the Catholic Church condone this ‘prayer’? I wonder if [the pastor] has investigated this action before recommending it to his flock? . . . At any rate, I will not recommend this parish to my son.”