I am the living bread

September 2
“I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. And the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh.”
-John 6;51
Today’s Reflection:
Many of Jesus’s disciples found this teaching so difficult that they left Him. Take time today to read and ponder the entire chapter of John 6. What does it speak to your heart?

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Whom shall I fear?


May the peace and love of Our Risen Lord Jesus Christ be yours today and always!

Thank you for your support of our mission to transform the world through our outreach and formation programs for women. If ever there was a time when forward movement was of the utmost importance, it is this time. With courage, vigor, constancy, and hope, we must rise up to meet the challenges of the day, always remembering that though they may be great, God’s grace is greater. The evil one would wrap us in chains of fear, panic, discouragement, and despair. But God wants to liberate us through His mercy, love, peace, and joy.

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Body and Blood of Christ

September 1
“Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of profaning the body and blood of the Lord. Let a man examine himself, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For any one who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment upon himself. That is why many of you are weak and ill, and some have died.”
-1 Corinthians 11:23 – 30
Today’s Reflection:
How do we discern the body and blood of Christ in the Eucharist? What is
St. Paul telling the early Church of Corinth?

If you enjoy Daily Gracelines, please prayerfully consider making a donation to support and sustain our apostolate so that we may continue to provide this and all of our resources designed to nourish and grow your Catholic faith.

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