Can Catholics Wear Tie Dyed Clothing?

Anonymous asks: “I recently purchased some clothing, with the tie dye on them. Sometimes, I think they are strange designs that don’t make sense on the clothing. I googled tie dye to know if there are any spiritual origins to the tie design and apparently there can be in certain cultures. Is this true or am I overthinking?”

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Providing for Life Act Gives Tax Credits to Expectant Parents

Pro-Life lawmakers have introduced a comprehensive pro-family bill that shows value for life at all stages by expanding the Child Tax Credit to include the unborn and offering pregnant women and expectant families all of the resources they need to thrive.

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A mode of being

July 25

“…the Eucharist is a mode of being, which passes from Jesus into each Christian, through whose testimony it is meant to spread throughout society and culture. For this to happen, each member of the faithful must assimilate, through personal and communal meditation, the values which the Eucharist expresses, the attitudes it inspires, the resolutions to which it gives rise.”

-St. John Paul II

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