Vatican Obelisk: Symbol of the Conquering Power of the Church

Photo courtesy of Wikicommons Images, Danbu14 CC BY-SA 3.0

GH asks: “I have a question about a large Obelisk located outside of St. Peter’s basilica in Rome.  I have read that new agers believe that obelisks embody the very presence of Lucifer.  Why would our Holy Mother Church allow an obelisk to be erected just outside of St. Peter’s basilica?”

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Pope Benedict’s Spiritual Advice: “Stand firm in the faith! Do not be confused!”

In a short but moving testament to the Lord which was written just a year after he assumed the Chair of Peter, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI thanked God for guiding him “through all kinds of confusion” and issued a plea to all those who were entrusted to his service in the church to “Stand firm in the faith! Do not be confused!”

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