Testimonial: KG’s education is off to a great start

“’Im so grateful to have had the opportunity to attend the Immersive seminar. I understand and appreciate the amount of work that goes into planning such an event, and your attention to detail, organization, and timing were excellent. Your kind attention to specific requests was thoughtful, too.

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Spending ourselves for others

May 30

“How are Catholic women to accomplish their providential role as spiritual mothers (with Mary) of the human race?

• They are to know Jesus from daily intimacy with Him in prayer

• They are to receive Jesus by often receiving Him into their hearts

• They are to love Jesus, by spending themselves in serving the needs of Christ’s children as they have never done before…

Love is proved by service. It is in spending ourselves for others that we mainly show our love for Our Lord…”

-Father John Hardon, S.J.

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Sleep Paralysis is Real, Not New Age

KW asks: “Is there any connection between the new age and something called sleep paralysis, where apparently you are sleeping but feel you are awake but can’t move any part of your body?  Sometimes you feel you are in danger or that something is standing next to you that frightens you.”

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To bring about salvation

May 25

“To bring about his salvation, all man has to contribute is his readiness to give himself up completely. The receptive, passive attitude of the feminine principle appears as the decisive, the positive element in the Christian order of grace. The Marian dogma, brought down to a simple formula, means the co-operation of the creature in the salvation of the world.”

-Gertrud von le Fort

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