Testimonial: Benedicta immersive was one of respite, rejuvenation, rigor, and relaxation

“This week was one of respite, rejuvenation, rigor, and relaxation. I pray that we can all pause and receive the outpouring of graces that were not just showered, but poured down upon us, by Our Lady through the instrument of the Benedicta Institute, and all those who helped make this week possible.” -Melissa H

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Mary-like women

May 23

“… I am confident that the Holy Spirit is sending down His gifts of fiery tongues on the Church today – all with the emphasis on the women. He is inspiring them to follow in Mary’s footsteps and do for the beleaguered faithful in our own day what she did for the infant Church in her day…But, I repeat, it will take Mary-like women to achieve this miracle of renovation of the Church of God.”

-Father John A. Hardon, S.J.

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Her warmth and great affection

May 21

“Mary became all to all; to all she offers the bosom of her mercy, that all may receive of it: the slave, his redemption, the infirm, health; the afflicted, comfort; the sinner, pardon; and God, glory – that there should be no one who would not feel her warmth and great affection.”

-St. Bernardine of Siena

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