Is your heart open?

February 3

“The soul of woman must be expansive and open to all human beings, it must be quiet so that no small weak flame will be extinguished by stormy winds; warm so as not to benumb fragile buds… empty of itself, in order that extraneous life may have room in it; finally, mistress of itself and also of its body, so that the entire person is readily at the disposal of every call.”

-St. Teresa Benedicta

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A Three-fold Celebration: The Presentation of the Lord

by Theresa Cavicchio

“Now I am sending my messenger – he will prepare the way before me; And the Lord whom you seek will come suddenly to his temple; The messenger of the covenant whom you desire – see he is coming! Says the Lord of hosts” (Mal 3:1).

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God’s plan

February 2

“Things were in God’s plan which I had not planned at all. I am coming to the living faith and conviction that—from God’s point of view—there is no chance and that the whole of my life, down to every detail, has been mapped out in God’s divine providence and makes complete and perfect sense in God’s all-seeing eyes.”

-St. Teresa Benedicta

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Benedicta Institute: Catholic Women’s Leadership for Such a Time as This

The Women of Grace® Benedicta Institute for Women® is offering an innovative new certification program designed to train Catholic women to be leaders and mentors in contemporary culture through in-person and online learning opportunities.

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Navigating the Quackery-Infested World of Massage Therapy

JA writes: “I’ve been thinking about becoming a licensed massage therapist.  The only problem is that I know that part of the curriculum in many massage schools consists of learning about the new-age techniques and putting them into practice. . . .

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