Does the Vatican Consider Chiropractics to be New Age?

BS write: “I read your article that stated the Vatican considers Chiropractic new age. You give the history of chiropractic treatment and it’s definitely a concern to me after reading it. Do you really consider Chiropractic dangerous?  My Chiropractor is a practicing Christian and never talks about any energy fields or healing touch which would have definitely been a red flag for me. I have been helped so much by Chiropractic. But want to know if you really think I am playing with the occult.”

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The state of your soul

January 3

“How long will the sun and moon, the stars continue to give forth light? Who can tell? Of one thing alone we are sure. In God’s own time – then shall come the Son of Man in great power and majesty to render to each according to his works. The question alone important, the solution of which depends upon how I have spent my life, is the state of my soul at the moment of death. Infinite misery or infinite happiness! There is no half and half, either one or the other.”

-St. Katherine Drexel

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Mind-Blanking and Mental Prayer are Not Synonymous!

KM writes: “I have tried to teach my children, the prayer of silence, where I ask them to sit and close their eyes and just to focus on God and to try not to think of anything else. Is that O.K? I thought that was what contemplation was, but sometimes it’s difficult to figure out. I hope that is not the Catholic equivalent of mind-blanking.”

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O loving Mother

January 1

Act of Consecration to Our Blessed Lady

Recite the Hail Mary and then pray:

My Queen! My Mother! I give you all

Myself, and, to show my devotion to you,

I consecrate to you my eyes, my ears, my mouth,

My heart, my entire self.

Wherefore, O loving Mother, as I am your own,

Keep me, defend me, as your property

And possession.

Mother of Sorrows, pray for us.


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