March 5
“Ash Wednesday is considered the ‘door’ to Lent.”
-Pope Benedict XVI
Daily I receive emails from people around the globe crying out for help saying, “Help me! I can’t find an exorcist.” My heart goes out to these suffering people who cannot find an exorcist, whom they believe they must have to solve their problems.
March 4
“O Lord, make this Lenten season different from the other ones. Let me find you again. Amen.”
-Father Henri Nouwen
March 3
“Christ has gained for us not only new dignity in our life on earth, but above all the new dignity of the children of God, called to share eternal life with him. Lent invites us to overcome the temptation of seeing the realities of this world as definitive and to recognize that ‘our homeland is in heaven’ (Phil 3:20)”
-Pope St. John Paul II
March 2
“There are a lot of things you can give to Jesus—I don’t like to say, ‘Give it up.’ Well, you’re going to take it back. But give it to Jesus for Lent.”
-Mother Angelica
March 1
“Do you wish your prayer to fly toward God? Make for it two wings: fasting and almsgiving.”
-St. Augustine