Discouragement No Match for God!

Recently, a dear sister in Christ posted a comment in “Coffee Talk”, an open forum at GracePlace (www.womenofgraceplace.com).  In it, she expressed the fact that she was feeling discouraged about a number of things. Several women of grace immediately responded. I was one of them.  I wanted to comment on the way the evil one uses discouragement as a tactic against us, the power of praise in the face of discouragement, and the use of Scripture as a weapon against the darkness of the enemy.

One of my collegues suggested that my comments would make a good blog. Taking her advice, I am offering it to you here slightly modified and with an invitation to join us at GracePlace where you can “Get Renewed and Connected Everyday!”

Let’s begin with the power of praise.

Praise:  In Full of Grace I talk about the need to praise God because He is God and deserves our praise. BUT, being a God who loves us, He commands us to praise Him because He knows the benefits we receive through praising. First, Scripture tells us that God inhabits the praises of His people. Our praise of Him is like a calling card that draws Him to us. He delights in our praises and “sits upon them” as Scripture says. And, when God is for us, who can be against us, asks St. Paul. Second, praise raises our hearts and minds above the situation. It helps to put things back into proper perspective. It takes our eyes off of ourselves and the misery of our condition and places them on the One Who can resolve our condition. This is transforming. Third, praising God elevates the emotions and actually makes us happier — our biology was meant to praise and our biochemistry responds — good hormones are released and our mood is elevated (laughter does the same thing). Fourth, our praising is not a guarantee that the situation will change. But it is a guarantee that we will change through the praising. We will discover that nothing is impossible with God even joy in the midst of travail and tribulation. And this gives us encouragement when we are confronted in the future with an unpleasant moment or serious situation.

Use of Scripture Against the Enemy: This was Jesus’ method of dealing with the temptations of the devil when He was praying and fasting in the desert. And it is the best one to use. The enemy desires to thwart our efforts, to lead us into despair, to cause us to be down-trodden and depleted, to distract us and cause us dismay. Memorize some good one-liners that you can use in these moments. They remind you of the power that is yours through Christ Jesus and it releases us from the hold of the evil one. Here are a few passages you can memorize easily:
“Get thee behind me Satan.” Matthew 16:23
“It is no longer I who lives but Christ Jesus Who lives in me.”
“Stronger is He who is in me than he who is in the world.” 1John 4:4
“Nothing is impossible with God.” Galatians 2:20
Behold, I make all things new.” Revalation 21:5
“We are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus.” Romans 8:37
“If God is for us who can be against us?” Romans 8:31

Discouragement and Excessive Anxiety: St. Faustina tells us that discouragement and excessive anxiety are two favorite ploys of the evil one. He uses these to gain control of our emotions and paralyze our forward movement spirtually and in the natural. Discouragement left unchecked will lead to despair — a profound desolation of heart predicated upon the notion that God has abandoned us or forsaken us and that our circumstance will never change. It can also cause us to erroneously believe that our travail or suffering is greater than the power of God. Discouragement roots itself deeply within us and begins to poison our spiritual life attacking the virtue of hope. Excessive anxiety causes fear to seep into our heart and soul. The fear I am referring to here is not the kind of fear that warns us of impending danger, but rather the kind of fear that is “false evidence appearing real.” It is a trap and is meant to put us into bondage, place chains around our capacities, and stop us dead in our tracks. When discouragement and excessive anxiety prevail upon you, see it for what it is — a tactic of the evil one — and know from whom it comes — the evil one himself. The Holy Spirit never brings discouragement. Once you identify that the enemy is working against you through this tactic — praise the Lord because obviously something great is on its way or the evil one would not be attempting to discourage you. His very activity is a sign that great things are about to break loose!

May we all take courage today with the knowledge that God gives us every spiritual blessing in the heavens. He desires to help us in the midst of our deepest travail and to reveal to us the power of His unfailing love and presence. May all of us continue to move forward in the ways God is calling us, and may we seek His abundant life in all things.

13 Response to “Discouragement No Match for God!

  1. I constantly suffer depression, with in the last 2 years. I been having lots of negative events in my life that place me in constant depression. It is difficult for me to fight depression even though I know God is with me all the time. I feel that depression prevents me from been kind to others and to concentrate in Gos love. Do you have any suggestions, I notice that I easily loose interest in things that I use to enjoyed. I don’t think I can’t fight this moster that comes and goes.

    • Dear Alitzin,
      The Book of Sirach tells us not to despise the physician. If you are suffering from constant depression, so much so that you feel you are fighting a monster, you would do well to talk with your doctor and see if it is clinical depression, a condition caused by our biochemistry. If so, there are medications that can help you. If you are not diagnosed this way, a good spiritual director may be very helpful to you.
      May Our Lady bring you consolation and may her Spouse the Holy Spirit renew you in all ways.

  2. Dear. Ms. Benkovic: Yes, the evil one’s tactics are out to move us away from the Lord, thank you for this entry.

  3. 1 John 1:4 (the second ‘He’ ought not be capitalized–I made this mistake once because of course I see God Jesus as being in all places!! the second ‘he’ of course is the evil one, the anti-God Satan) This has been a good read for me, I am glad you sent it. I have been fighting that inertia in returning to my life here at my husband and my home. I was at my childhood farm where I emptied the house after my youngest brother was no longer able to keep living there, so literally I was doing the after funeral cleaning and disposal of mostly my parents’ possessions and the memories’ recall and sorting were overwhelming at times. Many paper records I have kept to look over at my leisure here, but now I seem to have no leisure as there are rental papers to get ready, the anxiety of “good renters or not” as well as preparing and presenting Women of Grace to two groups of women here, an a.m. group and a p.m. group. I also have a seamstress business of hemming pants and replacing zippers and am also sewing a quilted purse for a customer and working on weight loss and constantly dealing with longterm health issues. I gave over the weight loss problem to God last week and dealing with food issues. Yesterday I ‘enjoyed’ a meal for the first time in I don’t know how long, a direct gift from God, I believe. Yesterday I thanked God for answering my prayer for ‘great renters’, the ones He has sent, and praised Him for what He has given even though I do not know the future. I ask Him to clear my mind for the days’ activities and to help me prepare for the WOG classes. I ask Him for what I need for today only and tell Him I only desire to do His will and let Him remove my character defects that may interfere with His will for me and others

    • Dear Lorraine,
      Thank you for the correction! I will make the correction!
      Doesn’t it seem that there are times when everything happens all at once with no breather in between! Sounds like you are in the midst of just such a time. Here’s my advice, though you may not be asking for it — be sure to make time for yourself, even if it is only the length of time it takes for a bubble bath. I remember when Anthony was sick. I was still producing programs for television, doing live radio, speaking around the country, managing the apostolate, dashing both him and my father to the cancer center for appointments and treatment, and functioning as Anth’s primary care-giver. Some nights I was so exhausted I just cried — and complained, frankly. Anthony’s healthcare workers asked me one day what I was doing for myself. What a question! It was then that I “permitted” myself to start to run again and go to a physical trainer twice a week. It was a time of working out the tension and pain — literally — and get some much needed endorphines flowing, too. I would return home much more refreshed and ready to shoulder the schedule again. Just reading what you write it is clear to me that your faith is very strong and I know God is very near to you.

      With sisterly regard,

  4. I am also experiencing a deep rooted feeling of discouragement at this time of my life and understand perfectly how this woman feels. When one’s hope is dashed continuosly, faced with disappointments unending, the desire to strive for happiness, success or fullfilment deminishes in the face of repeated failures. Even prayer becomes a difficult task. Fighting the forces of darkness for a long period of time can be overwhelming and make life seem aimless!

    • Dear Rosaline,
      There is no minimizing the interior suffering we endure during times of desolation or discouragement. I think of Blessed Teresa of Calcutta and the 45 years of darkness she experienced. It is only grace that pulls us through such times. The American attitude of “pulling yourself up by the bootstraps,” or just “slugging” our way through is not the answer. In these moments the greatest consolation comes by just being and letting God love us right where we are, misery and all. Go before the Blessed Sacrament, walk outside and let His creation bring you solace, curl up with your favorite blanket and a warm cup of coffee and tell Him (outloud) all about it. Often, what we see as failure is success in God’s eyes. Faithfulness under duress is success with a capital “S.” St. Rose Philippine Duchesne failed at everything she tried — at least according to her evaluation and that of the world — but God saw her faithfulness in the midst of it all, true heroic virtue, and her “failure” became her cause for canonization. Prayers are coming for you tonight. Take heart!

      Your sister in Christ,

  5. This is SO wonderful. A friend of mine, EWTN host Teresa Tomeo, just released a book called Extreme Makeover http://catholiclane.com/book-review-extreme-makeover/ which is about the toxic culture and how, with God’s help, we can overcome it. This advice you give fits in right with that. This is just the kind of thing we need to do to conquer all that the culture is throwing at us. It is so easy to become discouraged at all the horrible things we see and live with every day but with God’s help we can do it!

  6. Thank you very much for this concise information on what to do when you are fearful, discouraged etc. I am a cradle Catholic who had been in bondage to fear and anger for years, but thanks to the Great Love and Mercy of Our Very Great Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, I am going through a process of deep healing!
    However, I would like to send this on to my relatives and friends!

    God Bless you abundantly,
    Eleanor Houston.

    • Dear Eleanor,
      How pleased I am to know that the blog on Discouragement was beneficial for you! And I am even more pleased to know that God is healing you and setting you free! A passage in Scripture that is so meaningful in this regard is 2 Cor. 3:17-18. Sit before the Blessed Sacrament, where we can gaze “upon the Lord’s glory” and let Him fill you to overflowing with His love for you!
      Blessings to you, sweet daughter of God,

  7. Dear Johnette:
    Thank you for this wonderful Article; I saved it as I have suffered for many years from nerve and depression problems, and am on medication for the same. Please pray for me that the Dr. will have wisdom if I can cut back on any of the medications as was diagnosed with a problem but still suffer at timesan.
    Please also say a prayer for my son, Rob, who has been falsely accused of theft at a new job he started. Please pray the Lord will help me to find a Public Defender for him by this Wed., 1/18, as he received the summons on 1/15, and due to Martin Luther King day, have not been able to reach an Atty. He has to appear in court at 6pm this Wed. night. I’m asking all the angels and saints to pray on his behalf for a good outcome for this all and that he have someone to represent him. Thank you for your prayers on our behalf. I know “Nothing is Impossible with God” so will do my best to pray and trust in His help in all of this. Jesus, I trust in You! O Mary Conceived Without sin, Pray for us who have Recourse to Thee!
    God bless!

    • Dear Patty,
      Just seeing this but sending a prayer nonetheless. Our prayers are not limited by time and space since they exist in the eternal dimension once prayed.