Beware of New Anti-Catholic Christmas Movie!

The Catholic League is warning the public about the movie, A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas, which stars the Obama Administration’s former Associate Director in the Office of Public Liaison, because it makes a mockery of Catholicism.

In an article appearing on Opposing Views, the Catholic League cites the following sordid highlights from the movie, which opened in theaters on November 4.

— One of the lead actors punches a bishop

— Naked nuns are shown caressing each other in a shower

— Real life homosexual Neil Patrick Harris (playing himself) recounts going to heaven (portrayed as a nightclub) where he sits with two topless women who fondle him. Jesus sees this and calls his “daddy” to get Harris kicked out of the club. Harris then spews an obscenity at Jesus

— Three priests have a pillow fight with a young boy in a dark place known as the altar boy room—they are shown racing after him

— The Virgin Mary is trashed

The film also portrays young children as being high on cocaine.

“As usual, the movie has its apologists,” Catholic League president Bill Donohue writes.

“For example, The Washington Post says the film ‘makes fun of everyone under the sun—Jews, blacks, gays, Koreans, Indians, Mexicans, nuns, Santa, children and Jesus Christ….’ Nice to know that mocking ethnic groups is identical to mocking Jesus. But if equality were really being practiced, why did Muhammad get a pass?”

Donohue also points out that the actor who plays Kumar in the film is Kal Penn who recently served in the Obama administration as Associate Director in the Office of Public Liaison.

“Is that where he perfected his Christian-bashing skills?” Donohue asks.

“In any event, the only audience that really might be attracted to this film won’t be able to make it: the urban barbarians are camping out, protesting Wall Street (or something like that).”

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