Speaking of Pentecost

“The Divine Spirit…came to many just souls, although not so openly. Blessed is the soul who longs for this grace which enkindles, enlightens, and consumes all that is earthly and carnal and raises it up to a new union with God Himself. As your true and loving Mother, I want you to have this happiness, and therefore I again urge you to prepare your heart by trying to maintain an unshatterable inner peace and calm, no matter what happens.”

                                      Mary to Venerable Mother Mary of Agreda

Mysticism-(etymology-relating to a mystery) a religious tendency and desore of the human soul toward intimate union with God through contemplation and love which is not sought for its own sake, and is always informed by revelation and ascetical theology.  St. Thomas Acquinas defines it as cognition dei experimentalis (experiential knowledge of God).  It does not necessarily include phenomena such as visions and ecstasies.  True mysticism cannot be induced by techniques, practices, or effort.  It is a gift from God, a consolation bestowed by Him and Him alone.

 For Reflection: 

According to the definition for mysticism, how do Mary’s words indicate this? How can we prepare ourselves to receive this outpouring of the Holy Spirit? Reread the quote for January 11. What does this good saint recommend we do? What one thing can you entrust to Mary today?

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