Girl’s Death Prompts Call for End to Cyberbullying

A nine year-old girl suffering from Huntington’s Disease, who was the victim of a neighbor’s cyberbulling campaign, has died, sparking a renewed discussion about the dangers of using the Internet to malign others. is reporting that Kathleen Edward of Trenton, Michigan died on January 11 after suffering a long battle with Huntington’s Disease, an incurable neuodegenerative genetic disorder that killed her mother and grandfather.

Edward became famous in October 2010 when her grandmother’s angry neighbor, Jennifer Petkov, posted pictures of Kathleen on Facebook depicting her with eyes closed and a pair of crossed bones. Another picture depicted Kathleen’s mother in the arms of the Grim Reaper.

The posting caused an outpouring of support for Kathleen from around the world.  A rally attended by thousands helped the family raise money for Kathleen’s care and gave the child a free shopping spree at a local toy store.

Petkov has since issued an apology, but remains on probation after allegedly trying to run over another neighbor with her car shortly after the story broke.

Kathleen’s death is sparking new calls for an end to cyberbulling.

“This story really affected me when it came out because I could not believe that in the face of a child who was suffering from a very devastating disease, a person could be so insensitive as to cyberbully her and make her life harder,” writes Dr. Manny Alvarez of Fox News. “It also reminded me of the challenges that many children with disabilities face, especially in the age of social media.”

He described the horrors of the incurable disease Kathleen was suffering from, the severe symptons such as hallucinations, behavioral disturbances, abnormal movements of the body and the descent into dementia which precipitates death.

“That’s why I was outraged to hear what Kathleen had to suffer through, in addition to her disease,” Dr. Alvarez writes.

“Parents, please talk to your children about bullying. Talk to your children about compassion for others.  And tell the story of little Kathleen Edwards, a brave and beautiful child that could teach many of us a thing or two about life.”

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