Your Vote for Traditional Marriage is Critical!

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

The state of Maryland is once again debating the issue of same-sex marriage and could become the seventh state to legalize the unions, which is why participation in a new poll, regardless of where you live, is so critical!

Reuters is reporting that Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley made an impassioned plea before a legislative committee last Tuesday asking them to approve same-sex marriage in the state.

Even though these laws have led to serious infringements on citizen rights to the free exercise of religion, regardless of their “religious exemptions,” O’Malley actually based his argument on the need to preserve religious freedom.

“The very reason for our state’s founding was for religious freedom. At the heart of religious freedom is respect for the freedom of individual conscience,” O’Malley told the Senate Judicial Hearings Committee, referring to Maryland’s origins as a haven for English Catholics. “The way forward, the way to sustain and enhance our common life together, is equal respect for the freedom of all.”

A vote on the law in the state’s heavily Democratic General Assembly is thought to be just weeks away. A similar bill failed to pass last year.

Governor O’Malley is facing a rift within his party over same-sex nuptials, a division that is said to mirror public sentiment. A recent Washington Post poll found that 50 percent of Maryland residents supported legalization of same-sex marriage, while 44 percent were opposed. This represents the highest level of support for the unions thus far in Maryland.

The media is continuing to poll, hoping to use the results to influence public opinion, which is why citizens in Maryland are reaching out to their fellow Americans to vote in a new poll being conducted by ABC7 in Maryland. The poll takes just seconds to complete and could prevent the gay-friendly media from gaining yet another tool with which to push the gay agenda.

Click here to cast your vote!

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3 Response to “Your Vote for Traditional Marriage is Critical!

  1. Sue, thank you for keeping us abreast of these critical issues and their related polls, etc. Due to the attacks the natural order here in San Antonio, TX we started an organization called the San Antonio Family Association. Our mission is to protect, defend and promote the basic unit of society. We appreciate you, WOG and all of y’alls work to keep us informed and educated.

    Sincerely, Patrick

  2. I am not from Maryland. I think that public opinion is important in this matter. My opinion is that marriage can’t be union with same sex. Marriage leads to new family. It was always like that and it should be like that. There is no way that same sex couples can have their biological kids; therefore if they decide to live together they should be very good friends or roommates. Same sex marriage will lead the whole country in a lot of problems.

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