Poll: 50% of Americans Oppose HHS Mandate

In spite of media claims that a majority of Americans support President Obama’s new HHS mandate “accommodation,” some their own polls show that public sentiment is against the intrusive law.

LifeNews is reporting that a new poll by CNN found that half of all Americans oppose the controversial mandate that would force religious employers to pay for insurance coverage for drugs and procedures that violate their religious beliefs. The poll, conducted by ORC International on the days following the president’s announcement of an “accommodation” to the mandate found that 50 percent disapproved of the law, with 44 percent supporting it and six percent remaining undecided.

The survey data revealed that opposition to the mandate is mostly among men, older voters and white voters while women, younger voters and non-white voters are in favor of it.

Party affiliation is also a factor, with 85 percent of Republicans opposing it while 70 percent of Democrats approve of it.

“The CNN poll illustrates the road ahead for the White House,” says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. “If the administration can’t inform more Americans about the details of the policy – details that some other polls show to be popular – the public is likely to split along party lines. Many will dislike the plan simply due to the fact that this is an Obama initiative.”

This poll is in keeping with similar recent polls such as one conducted by Pew Research which found that 48 percent of Americans oppose forcing a religious institution to pay for the coverage with 44 percent approving of it. Catholic were even more opposed with 55 percent saying churches should receive an exemption and only 39 percent saying religious institutions should be forced to do so.

A Rasmussen poll also found that 50 percent of Americans opposed the mandate.

The latest polling represents serious problems for the Obama Administration going forward, particularly with Catholics whose net approval of the president has dropped 28 points since his election.

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2 Response to “Poll: 50% of Americans Oppose HHS Mandate

  1. I signed a petition regarding the HHS Mandate and received from them a ridiculous note of reply. All who signed the petition were given the same letter of indignation. Here is my poetic response to the indignant letter from ‘The White House’. I am Standing My Ground!

    February 14, 2012

    Why do you hide behind the beauty of white? Your color should be painted dark, dark as the shadows within your walls, where you lurk and hide; awaiting to ensnare the helpless victims you procure through your cunning tongue of half truths and deadly lies! You set to injure and maim; awaiting the silence you require fulfilling your nasty deeds. The policies of indignation you insist upon are insidious. You pander!

    How dare you rob me of my freedom and my dignity! It is not yours to manipulate, nor is it yours to take!

    What a twisted tongue you have, dear guardians within our White House walls. Your color should be painted dark, dark as the shadows in which those within your walls lurk and hide; you cleverly and slyly play upon the emotions of the people; rather than expose the truth. You are well aware that domestic violence is the very result of a woman being used by man. It begins with something so tiny as a pill; a pill that robs one of its conscience leading to the lie of no consequence; rotting a potential love into a cesspool of lust, selfishness, and the worst possible violence against the human body.

    How dare you rob me of my freedom and my dignity! It is not yours to manipulate nor is it yours to take!

    What does your rhetoric mean? You try to deceive us with twisted words. I am not blind, I see you; nor am I deaf, I hear you. Your scent sickens me with the foul smell of rot festering in your soul; and from this foul odor you poison our taste with bitterness, intolerable. You lurk in the shadows conniving evil plots against humanity. Your color is dark; dark as the shadows where you lurk and hide; this place you plot the fate of many! You should hang your heads in shame!

    How dare you rob me of my freedom and my dignity! It is not yours to manipulate nor is it yours to take!

    How does one expect that, “Every woman should be in control of the decisions that affect her own health,” when you lurk in the shadows of lies and deceit, not disclosing the TRUTH in regard to our health? You stand in the shadows, behind closed doors, and spread lies to the woman you are responsible for abusing. You are not offering her a choice. You are handing out a prison sentence of a shattered life, shattered hopes, shattered dreams – the life, hope and dreams given to her by God! Your words of “basic principle” lie upon themselves.

    How dare you rob me of my freedom and my dignity! It is not yours to manipulate nor is it yours to take!

    President Obama, how can you state, “. . . as a Christian, I cherish this right.” and expect fellow Christians to believe your words of deceit and malice? Your actions and your disregard for the Truth speak for you. Retract your slithering tongue and speak no more to me. Your words sicken me with disgust. Liar!

    How dare you rob me of my freedom and my dignity! It is not yours to manipulate nor is it yours to take!

    How does one take the majestic gift of a woman’s fertility- one that is so precious, so beautiful, so masterfully created by God Himself, Who is life! How does one perceive the notion to be against such a gift of life? How does one come to detest such a gift with such loathe injecting a poison into the soul thereby transforming its body into a corpse of contraception? It is Satan who is contraceptive and hiding the truth with a malicious lie to kill life, projecting the phrase ‘pro-choice’. Retract your flickering tongue and speak to me no more. I have heard what you have said, and I understand fully your lie!

    How dare you rob me of my freedom and my dignity! It is not yours to manipulate nor is it yours to take!

    Why do you lie saying, “There are tremendous health benefits for women that come from using contraception. Contraception is a safe and effective way of preventing unintended pregnancies which can be associated with increased health risks, and doctors also prescribe contraception for medical and health reasons, including helping to reduce the risk of some cancers, serious infections and cysts.”? You do not speak the truth in the statement you have procured. You pander! Studies have proven the link between abortion, the contraceptive pill and breast cancer. How is this ‘safe and effective’? How does this protect women? How dare you fill women with such non-sense and lies?! You lurk in your dark shadows whispering such things within the ears of the unformed conscience and the unsuspecting. You are abusing the authority with which you have been privileged!

    How dare you rob me of my freedom and my dignity! It is not yours to manipulate nor is it yours to take!

    President Obama, you say, “This is an issue where people of good will on both sides of the debate have been grappling to find a solution that works for everyone, and the policy announced today has done that. The right to religious liberty will be fully protected, and a law that requires preventive care without co-pays will not discriminate against any woman, anywhere.” Your compromise for the insurance companies to carry such coverage which you mandate is not a compromise. It is deceit. Why should the insurance company be expected to provide these evil services free of charge to the women? This cost goes back to those who must purchase the policies and the insurance premiums will increase and that cost will go directly back to the employee. People who object to such evil as artificial birth control and contraception and sterilization are forced to ‘indirectly’, directly fund this service. This is yet another infringement upon our liberties and it is outlandish and intolerable to mandate such things!

    President Obama, while you maintain that, “This is an issue where people of good will on both sides of the debate have been grappling to find a solution that works for everyone, and the policy announced today has done that. The right to religious liberty will be fully protected, and a law that requires preventive care without co-pays will not discriminate against any woman, anywhere”, this solution does not work. It is not a solution. In this regard, you have failed. This is an issue where people of good will HAVE the solution that works for everyone. The only solution is to not force your communistic agenda upon this Blessed Nation. You refuse to listen to Truth. You continue to whisper lies and deceive the people. This is all your announced policy has done today! You have failed in your duties. You discriminate against the gift of a true woman and every American Citizen by your malicious offer.

    Why do you hide behind the beauty of white? Your color should be painted dark, dark as the shadows within your walls, where you lurk and hide; awaiting to ensnare the helpless victims you procure through your lashing tongue of half truths and deadly lies!
    You set to injure and maim; awaiting the silence you require fulfilling your nasty deeds! You pander!

    How dare you rob me of my freedom and my dignity! It is not yours to manipulate, nor is it yours to take!
    Sir, I choose to go to Heaven when I die, and I shall live my life accordingly to God’s Word. How about you? Heaven was created for man, not for animals or objects. We are created for a higher level of dignity than what you offer to man. There is responsibility in engaging oneself in the act of sex. The level of responsibility comes from our will, not from a pill.
    Truly, NOT yours to take,
    Louise Fecteau

  2. Why do we not have a Catholic woman at the National level speaking out and educating all the Catholic women who put Obama in the White House???
    We need to educate Catholics on the blessings of not using birth control in a marriage- take a positive approach to the people. We can’t take another 4 years of Obama and his so called Catholic liberal staff!!!