Bill Introduced to Regulate Men’s Reproductive Health

Female lawmakers in the state of Ohio are fighting back against male lawmakers who are trying to “legislate a woman’s womb” with a new pro-life bill by introducing their own bill which would require, among other things, that men get a statement from their partner before being given a prescription for erectile dysfunction drugs.

The Dayton Daily News is reporting that State Senator Nina Turner (D) introduced SB307, which requires men to visit a sex therapist, undergo a cardiac stress test, and get their sexual partner to sign a notarized affidavit confirming impotency in order to get a prescription for Viagra and other erectile dysfunction drugs. The bill also requires men who take the drugs to be continually “tested for heart problems, receive counseling about possible side effects and receive information about “pursuing celibacy as a viable lifestyle choice.”

Turner introduced the bill in response to efforts by Republican men in the state house to pass what is known as the “Heartbeat bill” which would ban abortion if a fetus has a heartbeat, which occurs at about six weeks after conception.

Turner claims that if Republicans are allowed to legislate women’s health, men’s health should also be regulated. “I certainly want to stand up for men’s health and take this seriously and legislate it the same way mostly men say they want to legislate a woman’s womb,” she said.

However, Heartbeat bill sponsor Rep. Lynn Wachtmann, R-Napoleon, said comparing his bill to Turner’s would be like comparing apples to bananas.  “I understand some women think my bill is a personal affront,” Wachtmann said. “Protecting the unborn — to compare this to Viagra is not even related.”

This is not the first time pro-abortion female politicians have tried to change the narrative from protecting the life of the unborn into a so-called “war on women.”

Female politicians in other states have introduced similar measures to ban vasectomies and mandating rectal exams  for men seeking Viagra, none of which has had any success.

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