7th Graders Get Oral Sex Pamphlet at Catholic School

Parents of seventh graders at an all-girls Catholic middle school in Ontario were outraged to discover that their daughters had been given pamphlets containing explicit details about how to give and receive oral sex.

The Toronto Sun is reporting that the pamphlets were distributed on March 8 at Marymount Academy in Sudbury, Ontario during an open house they were hosting for International Womens Day. The Canadian AIDS Treatment Information Exchange (CATIE), the organization which designed the pamphlet, had a booth at the open-house which is where the offensive brochure found its way into the hands of the girls.

“My granddaughter is totally not into sex or anything like that. She could not believe that she was handed this in school. And when I saw it — I’m 62 years old — I was upset,” said Carmen James-Poulin, the grandmother of a student who came home with the pamphlet.

“They had a booth in the gymnasium, so they had to have permission to get in there,” Carmen said. “They wouldn’t have just been able to set up without somebody’s permission.”

As for the contents of the pamphlet, it was not at all educational. “It’s vulgar. It belongs on a porn site,” she said.

The pamphlet includes a “how to” guide on how to perform  oral sex on men and women, as well as pros and cons to giving or receiving the act.

“Watch the teeth, though,” the flyer warns, saying contact may “detract from the fun.”

Jim Pollock, CATIE’s director of communications, seemed to doubt that the pamphlet was distributed at the open-house and suggested the student’s got it from somewhere else, such as one of their public health units.

“This young woman might have received the pamphlet from any number of sources,” Pollock said.

Catherine McCullough, director of education for the Sudbury Catholic District School Board, said she regrets the oral sex pamphlet made its way into the school.

“We recognize that this information distributed was not appropriate for the intended audience. As a board, we apologize to all of the students and parents who received this pamphlet, and will certainly be screening all organizations’ distributed material on a go-forward basis.”

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One Response to “7th Graders Get Oral Sex Pamphlet at Catholic School

  1. I as a mother & catholic woman , feel outraged. These young women were all violated, and I feel there should be charges laid! Society today has gone to far, we as Catholics need to stand up and be heard. As a nurse I was always aware of delivering care and new that I alone will be held accountable. There is a real lesson here to be learned , especially for the people , we leave I children with . Someone must be held accountable, balances and checks are in every level of society, and in vocations also! Good luck with this matter, we will certainly be praying for you. Blessings Marie Fleming