Email Hits the Nail on the Head

As you may know, funds are very tight for our apostolate right now, as they are for everyone, and we have been appealing for help in a variety of ways. Recently, we sent a letter to many individuals who have graciously supported us in the past. I received this email back from one person and thought it hit the nail right on the head.  For the sake of the writer’s anonymity, I have removed her name:

Note for Johnnette, please:

Dear Johnnette,

I am sorry to hear of your funding stress. Had I the resources, I would immediately send you the money.  Your work is vital!  As I pondered your situation, it occurred to me that it may console you if I share with you what I have been observing since the election of BHO:   

Those who actively work for and promote Christian principles are being financially beseiged. Every single one of us — epsecially those who work via the media.

It’s not just the economy.  Quite obviously, this is an integral part of The Evil One’s strategy.  Starve us, squeeze us, agonize us with worry about keeping financially afloat, and perhaps we will crumble, and our work cease — At this point, TEO is well aware that this is his only — and last — recourse against us.

Like you, I daily witness the glory of the tide turning back, away from ‘evil’, toward God, and our country’s classic moral values. This is why TEO is so desperate to destroy us. 

He nearly had our entire country in his grasp — something he has lusted after since our birth in 1776.

Perhaps you should look the beast squarely in the eye and pronounce: If I lose my studio and have to preach from the street corner, I will! You will NEVER silence me!  [With every trial, my message consistently is:  “You will never command or control me.  You’re wasting your time. Go find someone who is fool enough to listen to you.”]

Johnnette, I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I am certain that God is so proud of you!

Abundant Blessings,



Dear M.,

Your words are encouragement to me and I so agree with you on every point. Our mission, the mission of each one of us baptized in Christ Jesus and living today, is of utmost importance. We are the saints predicted by St. Louis Grignion de Montfort, the “saints of the latter day,” who would be selected by God to wage a spiritual battle against the evil one and his wiles and ways. If we give up, if we surrender, from whom will the “voice” go out? With God’s grace, we will continue to proclaim truth until He takes our voice from us through natural death. In Him and through Him is every victory May that victory be won in the hearts of each one us. 

In Jesus Name,


In reminding us that our fight is against powers and principalities, she encourages us to continue to move forward in whatever way we can. We had already committed to doing just that and I took her email as a confirmation. If it is one thing we know, the mission looms larger and more vitally important than ever before — for each one of us.
I am reprinting the email as a means of encouraging you to “put on the armor of God” and go with courage and resolve into the battle of our day and time to win the victory that has been given to us through Christ.
That being said, we welcome your support — financial and prayerful. Your donations can be received right on our website or by calling us at 1-800-558-5452.
In Christ,

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