Crippled Child Miraculously Walks after Visiting Tomb of JPII

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer

A nine-year old boy crippled by a kidney tumor was miraculously able to walk after praying at the tome of Pope John Paul II last week on the eve of the fourth anniversary of his death.

According to the Mail Foreign Service, the young Polish boy was brought to St Peter’s Basilica on a pilgrimage to the tomb of the late Pope. Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, former private secretary of Pope John Paul, said that after praying at the tomb in the crypt of the Rome basilica the boy  ‘suddenly’ started walking again.

”He was brought in a wheelchair because he wasn’t able to walk,” the cardinal said. “As soon as the boy emerged from the basilica, he told his parents: ‘I want to walk.’ He got up and started walking, healthy,’ the prelate said.

He said the boy is from Gdansk, the Polish seaport known as the birthplace of the Solidarity movement which helped bring down decades of Communist rule in John Paul’s homeland in the late 1980s.

If investigations reveal that there are no scientific explanations for the child’s recovery, the healing may be put forward as the miracle needed to declare John Paul II ‘blessed’. A second miracle will be required to declare him a saint.

Another recent miracle involves a Cleveland man who survived a gunshot wound to the head that doctors said was “non-survivable.” Fr. Art Nedeker administered the Sacrament of the Sick to the man, 26 year-old Jory Aebly, during which time he prayed for the young man and give him the last of a dozen rosaries that had been blessed by the Pope. Aebly began to improve immediately. His doctor described Aebly’s recovery on Good Morning America  as “pretty miraculous.”

Cardinal Dziwisz has said “there is always hope” that John Paul II will be beatified before the fifth anniversary of his death – 2010. But in an interview with Polish TVN24, the Cardinal said the process must go through all necessary stages “so there can be no doubt.”

The cardinal also indicated there was “no shortage” of potential cases to investigate of possible miracles attributable to the late Pope, and Vatican officials have confirmed that the process for his beatification is “taking its course.”

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