Two Stories The Mainstream Media Hoped You’d Miss This Week

In addition to this week’s most blatant evidence of media bias, CNN’s Candy Crowley’s interjection of the wrong “facts” about the Libyan terrorist attack that aided the president in Monday’s debate, here are two more you might not have heard about.

Death Threats Against Mitt Romney

Although you’d never know it, is reporting that threats to assassinate Governor Romney have been flooding Twitter and other social media sites in the last few days with the situation becoming so bad the Secret Service says they are prepared to take appropriate action if necessary.

“im telling you if romney gets elected somebody gon have to take a L and A. assassinate romney and ryan or B. obliterate the WH w/ them in it,” said one Tweet. “If Romney becomes president , hella people gonna try to assassinate him” said another. (The rest are too vile to print here.)

Breitbart’s John Nolte observes: “If the tables were turned and conservatives were making death threats against Obama in these numbers, it would be a national news story. Indeed, the mere act of hanging empty chairs from trees as a reference to Clint Eastwood’s RNC speech was hyped by the media as a deadly sign that conservatives were out to lynch black people if Obama won.

“However, the major networks have remained completely silent on the disturbing trend of Obama supporters threatening to resort to violence if their candidate fails to secure a second term.”

But why would the media choose to ignore this story?

Nolte offers two possibilities:

“First off, they just don’t care about death threats against Republicans. What you have there is a sort of depraved indifference. Secondly, reporting on death threats against Romney will make him a sympathetic character, and three weeks from an election, there’s no way in the world the media will allow that to happen.”

The Pink Dresses

Did anyone notice that Mrs. Obama and Mrs. Romney were both wearing pink dresses in honor of breast cancer awareness month at this week’s presidential debate?

Us Magazine certainly did and blared an indictment of Mrs. Romney’s outfit in their headline: “Ann Romney Wears $1,690 Oscar de la Renta Dress to Presidential Debate”.

Funny how they chose not to include the price of Mrs. Obama’s ensemble in the headline. Could it be because hers cost twice as much at $3,290?

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One Response to “Two Stories The Mainstream Media Hoped You’d Miss This Week

  1. I think it’s sick that the media doesn’t care about assassination threats against Romney, but even the slightest remark that isn’t positive toward Obama is somehow considered racist? Talk about hiding information and bullying to get someone in office.

    If Mrs. Romney wants to wear expensive clothes, why should it matter to us? Her husband is a successful businessman and they can afford it. The only complaint should be if the taxpayers had to buy it for her, which isn’t the case. The media’s attempts to make Mrs. Romney seem unrelatable are ridiculous. The Romneys followed the American dream, started their own business (like many Americans), and happened to be successful.