Americans Vote to Keep the Reason for the Season

A new Rasmussen Reports poll has found that Americans believe Christmas should be more about Jesus and less about Santa Claus.

According to Fox News, efforts to remove the name of Christmas from the holiday season has almost no support among the general population. A whopping 76 percent of those surveyed believe the emphasis of the season should be on the birth of Christ. Only 14 percent opted for an emphasis on Santa.

“It proves that despite all of their bravado and bluster, secularists have miserably failed in turning Christmas into simply a winter holiday in the minds of most Americans,” said Robert Jeffress, author and pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas to Fox News.

“Even the most hardened atheist or secularist has to concede that the entire world still marks its calendar by the most important event in history—the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem.”

Atheist organizations aren’t the only ones who would be wise to respect the will of the people, he said, and cited activist judges who are also too eager to strip the meaning from the season.

“Judges who are attempting to strip Christmas celebrations of any religious expressions should carefully consider this poll and realize how out of step they are with the vast majority of American citizens,” Jeffress said.

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