March with Courage

These are certainly unprecedented times.  One only need to watch the evening news to see that the world seems to be quickly spiraling out of control.  That is why the March for Life is an event of such great hope.  It is the powerful witness of hundreds of thousands of pro-life individuals from varying faith backgrounds marching together to give a voice to the voiceless unborn children and their parents who have been wounded by abortion.

Those who March are the white (as opposed to red) martyrs of this generation.  Though they may not be called to shed their blood, they are called to walk in a spirit of self-sacrifice and like the martyrs, draw upon the virtue of fortitude.  It is fortitude which propels the soul to act in spite of fear or discomfort.  It is fortitude that gives the soldier the strength to enter into the battle.  It is fortitude which enables one to lay down their life for a friend.   As St. Therese of Lisieux reminds us: it doesn’t’ matter if we have courage – as long as we act like we do.

So on this January 22nd, which marks the 38th anniversary of the March for Life and the devastating Roe vs. Wade decision, we call upon God to bestow upon those who will march, a double portion of His strength and fortitude.  We are in solidarity with you, our dear brothers and sisters in Christ and are grateful for the hope that you bring into this very fallen world.

“O Lord God of hosts, You said in your Gospel , ‘I am not come to bring peace but the sword’; provide me with desire to fight for Your glory, but I beseech You, strengthen my courage.  Then with holy King David I can exclaim: ‘You alone are my shield, O God; it is You who prepare my hands for war.’

“O my Jesus, I will fight for You as long as I live, and love will be my sword.  My weakness should never discourage me; when in the morning I feel no courage or strength for the practice of virtue, I must look upon this state as a grace, for You teach me that it is the very moment to put the axe to the root of the tree, counting only on Your help.”

“What merit would there be in fighting only when I feel courage?  What does it matter even if I have none, provide that I act as if I had? ”                                       (St. Therese of Lisieaux quote from Divine Intimacy, page 839)

Addition resources:

Preparing for the March for Life by

March for Life official website and schedule of events

EWTN  March for Life programming

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