Pope: Tarot Cards and Magicians Can’t Help You

While preaching at morning Mass at the Domus Sanctae Marthae in Rome on Friday, Pope Francis reminded the faithful that Jesus is “the only one” to whom we should go with our troubles – not fortune tellers and tarot card readers.

According to L’Osservatore Romano, while preaching about the tremendous power in the name of Jesus at morning Mass on April 5, Pope Francis told a story about a humble man who works in the curia of Buenos Aires.

“He has worked there for 30 years, he is the father of eight children. Before he goes out, before going out to do the things that he must do, he always says: ‘Jesus!’ And I once asked him: ‘Why do you always say Jesus?’ ‘When I say Jesus ‘- this humble man told me – ‘I feel strong, I feel I can work, and I know that He is with me, that He keeps me safe’.”

Pope Francis concluded: “This man never studied theology, he only has the grace of Baptism and the power of the Spirit. And this testimony, did me a lot of good too, because it reminds us that in this world that offers us so many saviors, it is only the name of Jesus that saves.”

He went on to say that at times, “whenever there are problems people do not commend themselves to Jesus” but to others, “even turning to self-styled magicians that they may resolve matters; or people go to consult tarot cards, to find out and understand what they should do. Yet it is not by resorting to magicians or to tarot that salvation is found: it is “in the name of Jesus. And we should bear witness to this! He is the one Savior.”

He concluded by commending all to the Blessed Mother. “Mary always leads us to Jesus, as she did at Cana when she said: ‘Do whatever he tells you’. Let us trust in the name of Jesus, let us invoke the name of Jesus, and let the Holy Spirit push us to say this prayer trusting in the name of Jesus … it will do us all good.”

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