40 Days for Life Saves 476 Babies . . . and Counting!

The latest 40 Days for Life campaign ended yesterday and, once again, it saved hundreds of babies from abortion and their mothers from a lifetime of regret.

According to today’s blog by Shawn Carney, Campaign Director for 40 Days for Life, they are still receiving feedback from the 306 locations scattered across 10 countries where the latest campaign of prayer and fasting took place. Thus far, they have received reports of 476 babies saved from abortion but there could always be more that we will just never know about.

“Add that to the number of babies who were saved during all previous 40 Days for Life campaigns … and the total is now 8,012 babies whose lives were spared! The Lord has truly heard and answered your prayers!” Carney writes.

Among the many e-mails he received from participants in the program, he cites a note from Claire in Cherry Hill, New Jersey who shared a story that “really gets to the heart of the abortion mindset that has overtaken our culture,” Carney writes.

The story concerns a young woman who was brought to the abortion center by her parents and sister. The woman already had three children under the age of 6 – all with different fathers – and was now pregnant again. One of the fathers was in jail and another had “simply vanished.”

One of the prayer volunteers handed some literature to the woman’s mother and begged her to get the information to her daughter.

Meanwhile, other vigil participants continued to pray until a while later when the young woman and her sister came out crying. “You saved a life today!” the volunteers were told.

“The entire family is joyful this baby will be born,” Claire said. “This story illustrates the sad fact that the abortion mentality is deeply ingrained in our society. None of the family members really wanted to have it done, but felt it was the ‘responsible choice.’ Please keep this woman, her family and our country in your prayers.”

As another successful campaign comes to an end, Carney and all people committed to preserving the gift of life are once again raising their arms to heaven and praising God for blessing their efforts with so many happy endings!

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