New Bill Will Defund Planned Parenthood

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer

A pro-life Congressman has introduced a bill in Congress that will prevent taxpayer dollars from funding groups such as Planned Parenthood that perform abortions.

Representative Mike Pence (R-IN), has introduced the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act (HR614) which will prevent abortion clinics such as Planned Parenthood from receiving “family planning” funds through the Title X program. This program currently allows abortion providers who also offer family planning services to receive millions of dollars a year in taxpayer funds. While the funds cannot be used directly for abortions, it can be used to offset other expenses, which leaves more money available for its abortion services.

Also of concern are federal regulations requiring Title X clinics to offer referrals for abortion and dispense all forms of contraception. These clinics are not required to notify parents of minors who seek abortions or contraception. This loophole allows sexual predators to access contraception and obtain abortions to cover up the abuse of their victims.

According to the Susan B. Anthony List (SBA), a political action group committed to helping the election of pro-life women, a Title X-funded Planned Parenthood clinic in Cincinnati, Ohio came under fire last year for refusing to report a disturbing case of incest. A young girl was brought by her abusive father to the clinic to receive an abortion. When the girl confessed her situation to clinic workers, no report was made to law enforcement. Planned Parenthood workers simply sent her back home with birth control, and her abuse continued for the next year and a half.

“Clinics who put their bottom line before the well-being of women and children do not deserve taxpayer funds,” said SBA president Marjorie Dannenfelser.

“The Title X program is bankrolling Planned Parenthood clinics. Last year, Planned Parenthood received over 300 million through this program and they have already asked President Obama for a 133 percent funding increase.”

Dannenfelser is encouraging supporters of life to contact their Congressmen and women and urge them to co-sponsor Rep. Pence’s Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act and to vote against any increase in funding to Planned Parenthood.

“The more co-sponsors we have for this bill the harder it will be for Nancy Pelosi and the pro-abortion leaders who control Congress to ignore our pro-life heroes when they speak up for us and for the unborn.”

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