Pope Calls for Full Respect for the Dignity of Women

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer 

Pope Benedict XVI recognized International Women’s Day by calling on the world to renew their commitment to treat women with “complete respect for their dignity.”

International Womens Day was celebrated yesterday, March 8, and just after praying the Angelus, the pope dedicated a few remarks to the day and its significance to women.

“It invites us to reflect upon the condition of women, and to renew our commitment to ensure that always and everywhere women can live their lives and make full use of their capacities, obtaining complete respect for their dignity,” he said.

“Such was the view expressed by Vatican Council II and the pontifical Magisterium, in particular by Servant of God John Paul II’s Apostolic Letter ‘Mulieris dignitatem’ (15 August 1988).

“Yet, of more worth even than documents is the witness of saints; and our own times have seen that of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, a humble daughter of Albania who, by the grace of God, became an example for the whole world in the exercise of charity and service to humankind.

 “How many other women work unseen every day for the good of humanity and of the Kingdom of God!”

The Holy Father concluded by giving assurances of his prayers “for all women, in the hope that their dignity may always be respected and their positive potential turned to good use.”

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