H.R. 3200 Could Allow Planned Parenthood Clinics in Schools

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer
If the current version of health care reform passes, it would do much more than just provide taxpayer funding of abortion on demand. The bill also contains a section that could allow Planned Parenthood to open clinics in public schools.

According to a report by the Dallas Republican Examiner, a provision under Title V of H.R. 3200, called School-Based Health Clinics, outlines a new federal program where the government would fund health clinics near – or in – the nation’s public schools. The clinics won’t be run by school officials, however. This job will be given to a “sponsoring facility” which is listed as either “a hospital, a public health department, a community health center, a nonprofit health care agency, (or) a local educational agency.”

Writing in the Examiner, Victor Medina expresses his worry about the impact of such a broad definition.

“Such broad wording outlining the qualifications for government funds and access to schoolchildren could open the door for groups like Planned Parenthood to operate the clinics in schools with no oversight and full federal government support,” he says.

“The clinics would be funded by federal grants awarded by the Obama administration, which has made it clear that they expect Planned Parenthood to play an active role in their proposed health care system,” he writes.

In spite of Obama’s campaign promises to limit the use of special interest groups in Washington, he has appointed several former Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion organization staffers to key policy positions in his Administration.

Planned Parenthood has made no secret of their close working relationship with the White House. Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood, has been a frequent visitor to the White House since his election and was recently part of a White House-sponsored roundtable discussion on Women’s Health Care that did not include any pro-life women.

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